Join us at the Posh Squash garden.
For those of you new to the Posh Squash this year, you may want to check out this video before your first day of gardening:
Introduction Video If you’re looking for something worthwhile and possibly exciting to do this Thursday, we have something for you!! A Thursday Work Party! This will allow you to get out and get your hands into the good earth, to do something that will benefit mankind (at least, a small segment of it), a chance to set aside the intellectually stimulating ListServe discussion of TSR dues and budget issues, and to just develop an overall sense of making the world a better place to live.
Join us this Thursday from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. You can find the chore list on the front page of the website ( See you then, Barbara Gomes and Bill Mutch, Thursday co-dayleaders P.S. Since this work party is prior to the start of garden, we are not expecting, or even encouraging, new members who have not yet worked in the garden to attend. You will get a full orientation about the garden on your first day, the week of March 7. Welcome to the new members of the Posh Squash for 2022, and to all the returning members.
The first day of 2022 garden is Monday March 7. We had a very successful and informative new members orientation meeting on Zoom - for those who weren't able to attend (or would like to hear it again !), you can access it here: Posh Squash New Members Orientation Meeting 2022 |
Join us and meet other garden members from 10-1. Many hands make the work more fun and go faster. Tuesday, January 7 Friday, January, 31 Wednesday, February 12 Thursday, Februray 20 Looking for Info on how to join the garden ? Want to sign up for Saturday Watering?
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