Join us at the Posh Squash garden.
If you are reading this, you have discovered the new Posh Squash website at This website was created by and is maintained by Posh Squash gardeners to share information about our garden. It is separate from the Sea Ranch Association website. Important: This is a very new website, and is still a Work in Progress. While we hope that the content already here is useful, many areas still have rather sparse content, which will be added to as time goes on. Please be patient. This “What’s New” page will be used to keep you updated as to what is new on the website (as well as what is new in the garden). If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see on the website, please send them to [email protected] or use the Contact form. And check out the Photos page, where we are beginning our collection of garden photos from 2021. As the year progresses, if you have photos you would be willing to share, send them to [email protected]. What’s New in the Garden We are very close to the beginning of the 2021 garden year, which begins the week of March 1st.
The new members' orientation meeting was held on Zoom Saturday, 30 January. The latest Compost Heap newsletter has been emailed to all members, containing notices for gardeners and a welcome from our co-chairs. January is time for weeding in the beds marked with red flags and soil reconditioning by adding compost or fertilizer where needed. Fresh woodchips are added to some of our pathways to help manage weeds and prevent erosion.
Download the chore report more details. Crop reports will be posted weekly beginning in March, when the new season begins. Check out our new videos on how to accomplishing seasonal chores that are on the list, and learn about Regenerative Organic Agriculture and how we use it at the Posh Squash. |
Join us and meet other garden members from 10-1. Many hands make the work more fun and go faster. Tuesday, January 7 Friday, January, 31 Wednesday, February 12 Thursday, Februray 20 Looking for Info on how to join the garden ? Want to sign up for Saturday Watering?
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