Join us at the Posh Squash garden.
All of our crops are now managed by crop teams and along with plant parents they will make decisions on the crops they maintain throughout the year. HOW WILL THE NEW CHORE LIST WORK?
- Every day leader will receive an email that will contain the new short version of the chore list in a pdf format also available on the homepage on the right > > > - Monday will print out the new short chore list and post it on the clipboard in the tool shed. EACH DAY WILL HAVE THEIR OWN 3 RING BINDER IN THE TOOL SHED - Binders contain care instructions for all the crops assigned to that day; this will include the Plant Parent crops, perennials, and general garden crops. - Plant Parents will directly contact their day leaders to schedule chores they may need help with and their day leaders will assign someone to work with them. - Also included in a special section will be specific bed preps, for raised, mounded, and fence beds along with pulling crop instructions. - This will be all the information you will need to take care of your crops. - Each day will manage their binder to their liking and may add or edit the chores. - At the end of the year, any changes noted in the binders will be used to update the library. ONGOING GARDEN CHORE BINDER - A separate binder has all the ongoing chores that need to be done. - These are chores that you can have your team do when they have finished their crop management and completed the chores on the chore list. HOW TO WRITE YOUR DAY REPORT - Send your reports by email and only add chores you did not complete or that were not on the list. Comments are closed.
Join us and meet other garden members from 10-1. Many hands make the work more fun and go faster. Tuesday, January 7 Friday, January, 31 Wednesday, February 12 Thursday, Februray 20 Looking for Info on how to join the garden ? Want to sign up for Saturday Watering?
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