Thank you. Your information has been submitted. Please remember to print out a copy of this
member agreement for your records, and send a check for $160 payable to "Posh Squash" to:
Jim Nybakken, The Posh Squash, P O Box 1861, Gualala, CA 95445 before December 15, 2024
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We already got the first one!
Posh Squash Member
2025 Agreement and Application
member agreement for your records, and send a check for $160 payable to "Posh Squash" to:
Jim Nybakken, The Posh Squash, P O Box 1861, Gualala, CA 95445 before December 15, 2024
You may now close this window. If you hit the back button and see your full application again, you do NOT need to resubmit.
We already got the first one!
Posh Squash Member
2025 Agreement and Application
Posh Squash is the community garden of The Sea Ranch. Members pledge to sustain and nourish its soil and to plant and grow crops in harmony with our coastal environment and without the use of chemical herbicides or pesticides.
Fees: $160 per household. If for any reason these dues do not cover expenses, then each household may be asked to donate an additional amount. Please send a check to Jim Nybakken, The Posh Squash, P O Box 1861, Gualala, CA 95445.
Check should be payable to "Posh Squash", and the primary member name should be printed or written on the check. Dues are non-refundable.
Residency: Members must reside in or own property at The Sea Ranch. Gardeners must be 12 years or older and children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Dates: Membership fee covers the March to November garden year. Member sign up closes on March 31.
Parking: Garden members MUST park on Verdant View (not in the Sea Ranch Supply parking lot) during Sea Ranch Supply business hours (Mon-Sat 8AM-5PM). Parking is allowed on Timber Ridge only during times when Sea Ranch Supply is closed. Trespassing on Sea Ranch Supply property will result in termination of a household membership. Dues are non-refundable.
Weekly work requirement: Each working member signed up for the garden agrees to work at least three hours per week during the regular garden period (first week of March through first week of November). In addition, each member must participate in a minimum of six hours of additional work time per season in the garden, not including regular weekly garden work or Saturday watering. This extra time may occur during scheduled work parties or other activities. The regular gardening is done for three hours on Monday through Friday mornings and Monday afternoon. During these hours, a “day leader” will be in the garden to organize and supervise the necessary work, to answer questions, and to assist and direct other members. A member that misses their regular gardening day is asked to make it up on another work day when possible.
Watering Requirement: Each working member is responsible for one Saturday morning watering session per year (3 to 5 hours) during the regular garden year (March - November). Three people will water each Saturday. At least one member from each household must sign-up for one Saturday watering before April 1. It is each member’s responsibility to find a substitute if a watering commitment cannot be met.
Picking privilege: Membership allows picking privileges under guidance of day leaders and only for the amount of produce that a household can consume in a reasonable time. A member is not allowed to pick in any week in which they do not work in the garden. All gardeners agree to the “Picking Rules” and understand that their membership may be terminated if they are determined by any Day Leader or member of the Steering Committee to have egregiously over-picked. Depending on the magnitude of the over-picking, the gardener MAY be given a second chance. A gardener may appeal a decision to terminate their membership to the Steering Committee. Dues are non-refundable.
Fees: $160 per household. If for any reason these dues do not cover expenses, then each household may be asked to donate an additional amount. Please send a check to Jim Nybakken, The Posh Squash, P O Box 1861, Gualala, CA 95445.
Check should be payable to "Posh Squash", and the primary member name should be printed or written on the check. Dues are non-refundable.
Residency: Members must reside in or own property at The Sea Ranch. Gardeners must be 12 years or older and children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Dates: Membership fee covers the March to November garden year. Member sign up closes on March 31.
Parking: Garden members MUST park on Verdant View (not in the Sea Ranch Supply parking lot) during Sea Ranch Supply business hours (Mon-Sat 8AM-5PM). Parking is allowed on Timber Ridge only during times when Sea Ranch Supply is closed. Trespassing on Sea Ranch Supply property will result in termination of a household membership. Dues are non-refundable.
Weekly work requirement: Each working member signed up for the garden agrees to work at least three hours per week during the regular garden period (first week of March through first week of November). In addition, each member must participate in a minimum of six hours of additional work time per season in the garden, not including regular weekly garden work or Saturday watering. This extra time may occur during scheduled work parties or other activities. The regular gardening is done for three hours on Monday through Friday mornings and Monday afternoon. During these hours, a “day leader” will be in the garden to organize and supervise the necessary work, to answer questions, and to assist and direct other members. A member that misses their regular gardening day is asked to make it up on another work day when possible.
Watering Requirement: Each working member is responsible for one Saturday morning watering session per year (3 to 5 hours) during the regular garden year (March - November). Three people will water each Saturday. At least one member from each household must sign-up for one Saturday watering before April 1. It is each member’s responsibility to find a substitute if a watering commitment cannot be met.
Picking privilege: Membership allows picking privileges under guidance of day leaders and only for the amount of produce that a household can consume in a reasonable time. A member is not allowed to pick in any week in which they do not work in the garden. All gardeners agree to the “Picking Rules” and understand that their membership may be terminated if they are determined by any Day Leader or member of the Steering Committee to have egregiously over-picked. Depending on the magnitude of the over-picking, the gardener MAY be given a second chance. A gardener may appeal a decision to terminate their membership to the Steering Committee. Dues are non-refundable.